Punch, S., 2000, Children’s strategies for creating play spaces, in: Holloway, S.L. & G. Valentine, ‘Children’s geographies’, Routlegde, London
- Author : Punch, S.
- Year : 2000
- Published in Book : Children’s geographies
- Pages : 48-62
- Outline in English : Recent research in the new social studies of childhood recognises that children are competent social actors who play an active part in their social world. Yet there are still relatively few studies which document the ways in which children devise ways to counteract adult’s power and control over their lives. This paper consider how children in Bolivia actively negotiate ways to assert their autonomy despite constrained by adult who enforce boundaries of time and space. Different aspects of children’s and young people’s lives are considered, including the nature of their social relationships at home, at school, at work and in the community at large.
- Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: children, play, rural areas, Bolivia.