Cues for the perception of space in landscapes.

Coeterier, J.F., 1994, Cues for the perception of space in landscapes., in: Journal of Environmental Management, 42, 4

  • Author : Coeterier, J.F.
  • Year : 1994
  • Journal/Series : Journal of Environmental Management
  • Volume Number (ANNUAL: Counting Volumes of the Year shown above) : 4
  • Volume Number (CONSECUTIVE: Counting all Volumes of this Journal ever published) : 42
  • Pages : 333-347
  • Abstract in English : The perception of size of spaces is not to be confused with the perception of distance. Both are called space perception. It is argued that the perception of the size of spaces and the perception of depth or distance are two different mental activities, because either different cues are used or the same cues are used in different ways. There is a limited number of attributes, signs, and clues, cues or indicators that determine size perception. Each cue has its own specific effects. Size perception is the result of an integration of information on these separate cues. Space perception, again, is an integration of the perceptions of size, depth and distance. It is not to be confused with either one of these. Clearly, in order to correspond with people’s experiences, landscape planning must not be base on indices for physical space alone.
  • Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: architectural psychology, space perception, quality, planting design. (N.B. cues = a response-producing stimulus, e.g. foreshortened lines in a picture are cues to depth perception). UTILITY: lecturers/teachers, academic research.