Strumse, E., 1996, Demographic differences in the visual preferences for agrarian landscapes in Western Norway, in: Journal of Environmental Psychology, 16,
- Author : Strumse, E.
- Year : 1996
- Journal/Series : Journal of Environmental Psychology
- Volume Number (CONSECUTIVE: Counting all Volumes of this Journal ever published) : 16
- Pages : 17-31
- Abstract in English : Agrarian landscapes are threatened by the continuing expansion of urban areas, the spreading of industrial agriculture and increasing marginalization and disuse of old agricultural land. In this situation, Norway occupies a special position due to a topography generally not suited for mechanised agriculture. This is the case especially in Western Norway. Here traditional agrarian landscapes of exceptional recreational and aesthetical value, and an ecological diversity not present in the natural landscape, can sill be found, but they are also threatened by disuse. Their preservation for the future depends on national policy, but will probably not be made without support from both landscape experts and the general public. There is good reason to expect that support to landscape preservation varies between segments of the population. The purpose of the present study was to examine these differences in relation to Western Norway’s landscapes. An almost unanimous consensus with respect to the high preferences for human-influences setting and nature scenes, and a relative dislike for dominating human influence and many of the effects of modern farming practise was found. In contrast, important divergencies were found for landscape categories in the moderate preference range. These demographic differences reinforce the argument that group differences in landscape preferences should not be neglected by planners, managers and other experts. There are some weaknesses of the study suggesting a follow-up of thus research.
- Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: environmental psychology, landscape preferences, preferences, rural landscape, agrarian landscapes, demographic differences, landscapes planning. UTILITY: lecturers/teachers, academic research