The restoration experience: volunteers’ motives, values, and concepts of nature

Schroeder, H.W., 2000, The restoration experience: volunteers’ motives, values, and concepts of nature, in: Gobster, P.H. & R. B. Hull, ‘Restoring nature’, Island Press, Washington

  • Author : Schroeder, H.W.
  • Year : 2000
  • Published in Book : Restoring nature
  • Pages : 247-264
  • Abstract in English : The last several years have brought significant changes in the management of public lands and natural resources in the United States. As a result of debates over management practices, shifts in the goods and services demanded by the public, and developments in scientific knowledge, there has emerged a general philosophical shift towards managing natural environments as integrated, dynamic systems. As part of this shift toward a more holistic perspective, there has been a growing recognition that people are an important part of ecosystems and that human values, behaviours, and experiences must therefore be integrated in to the planning and management of natural environments. At the same time, because public agencies are faced with shrinking budgets for programs and services, people are being encouraged to contribute their time, energy, and skills in volunteer activities that benefit their communities. The goal of this research was to learn more about these volunteers, what their work means to them, and what specific motives, values, and rewards have induced them to give so many hours of their free time to restoration activities.
  • Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: urban forestry, nature conservation, volunteers.