The shift of the population from rural areas to cities from 1950s onwards and the lack of ecological dimension of urban planning studies resulted in the damage of natural characteristics of cities. Biotope mapping which is of importance in terms of the sustainability of urban ecosystems is an important tool for the planning of the developed countries’ cities. However, there is no such an implantation in Turkey. Antalya is the most populated city in the country due to its natural beauties and the increasing job opportunities in tourism sector. As the rapid population increase encouraged building developments, the air, water and soil resources together with the flora and fauna of the city were negatively affected. In this research, it was aimed at mapping the biotopes of ecological importance in selected sections of the city. With the idea of the fact that sustainable use of natural resources could be provided by determining existing situation and taking necessary measures to protect them the research is based on a detailed inventory. The study was carried out in three steps; 1) Literature search and determination of natural, cultural and socio-economic structure of Antalya, 2) Mapping of biotopes, 3) Determination of the effects of urban developments on biotopes. Characteristic species, groups and biotope types were identified by field surveys (vegetation and soil analysis) on sample sites. As a result, biotopes of ecological importance in urban area were identified as forest, maquis, garigue, river edges, lakes, wetlands, rocks, dunes and valleys individually and in combination. Building developments was found the most effective land use type on biotypes of ecological importance. With the use of biotope maps produced in this research in the future, planning studies of Antalya city, an advance could be achieved in terms of protection, development and sustainable use of urban natural resources.
- Title Original : Antalya Kentinde Ekolojik Açıdan Önemli Biyotopların Haritalanması Üzerine bir Araştırma
- Project start : 0000
- Project end : 2006
- Contact Person : Sibel MANSUROĞLU
- Funding Agency : Akdeniz University, The Scientific Research Projects Unit
- Image Title : antalya