Lynch, K., 1981, A theory of good city form, MIT Press, Cambridge
- Author : Lynch, K.
- Year : 1981
- Publisher : MIT Press
- Publisher's Location : Cambridge
- ISBN : 0-262-12085-2
- Pages : 514
- Abstract : Kevin Lynch indicated what makes a good city, and provides a comprehensive discussion of urban theory. He suggests that the answer to his question is the development of a general normative theory on the value of a city to its spatial characteristics. This theory identifies a set of performance dimensions, that each society may prioritize differently. Lynch provides seven criteria: vitality, sense, fit, access, control, plus efficiency and justice. He also tries out his philosophy and view on city size, growth and conservation, utopian models and planning practices. He indicated that the result of his approach (general normative theory) is a work in progress.
- Comments : KEYWORDS: urban planing, rural settlement, aesthetic value, philosophy, physical planning, parks, greenbelts, parkways, people, quality. UTILITY: lecturers/teachers, academic research, students of universities of professional education.