Mitchell-Banks, P., 2005, A walk in the woods is good for you. Oh yeah-prove it, in: Gallis, C.T., ‘Forests, trees, and human health and well-being’, Siokis, Thessaloniki
- Author : Mitchell-Banks, P.
- Year : 2005
- Published in Book : Forests, trees, and human health and well-being
- Pages : 161-173
- Outline in English : This paper will provide (1) a survey of some of the approaches taken by global organizations, national government, health authorities and researches to quantify and qualify the concepts of human health and well being. (2) Examine a range of methodological approaches taken to quantify and qualify the economic measurement and economic implications of trees, forests, parks and green-spaces of human health and well being.
- Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: urban forestry, health, well being, economy.