Amenity values of rural streams and rivers

The project aimed to develop an improved methodology for identification and weighing amenity values of spring fed rural streams and rivers potentialy affected by groundwater utilisation.

The methodology combined a Q sort survey that identified salient attributes of amenity, followed by a choice experiment that  assigned relative values to the key attributes.

The project successfully derived and evaluated attributes

  • Title Original : Amenity values of rural streams and rivers
  • Website : http:///
  • Notes :

    Geoffrey N. Kerr & Simon R. Swaffield (2012): Identifying Cultural Service Values of a Small River in the Agricultural Landscape of Canterbury, New Zealand, Using Combined Methods, Society & Natural Resources: An International Journal, DOI:10.1080/08941920.2012.676723  

    The project was partt of a larger programme of research that was developing improved decision support systems for management of ground water


  • Project start : 2005
  • Project end : 2007
  • Contact Person : Simon Swaffield
  • Funding Agency : Foundation for Research Science and Technology
  • Project Partners : Lincoln Ventures Ltd; NIWA
  • Project structure :

    1. Literature Review

    2. Social survey using Q method

    3. Choice Experiment