This project is part of ‘Urban Regions in the Delta’, a NWO funded project. We
participate with several researchers in the subproject ‘Solution strategies in
a changing planning context’ together with the Land Use Planning group. In the
project, we focus on innovative strategies for regional planning and on
cooperative regional design and visualization. We work on a regional planning
and design case for the A2 Corridor and the province of North-Brabant near the
city of Eindhoven, called Brainport Eindhoven. In the case we try to establish
current and future use-value of traditional and institutional building blocks
of strategic planning and identify problems with these values. Next to that we
try to conceive novel spatial planning concepts and design tools, which are
relevant to the preparation, form and working of policies and plans.
- Title Original : Analysing and Exploring Sustainable Urban Strategies (AESUS)
- Website : http:///
- Project start : 2012
- Project end : 2014
- Contact Person : Wageningen University: Prof. dr. A. (Adri) van den Brink General project leader: Prof. dr. H.J. Scholten (Free University Amsterdam)
- Funding Agency : NOW (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research)
- Project Partners : Department of Spatial Economics, VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands School of Architecture and the Built Environment, KTH-Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden TNO Urban Development, Delft, the Netherlands PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, The Hague, the Netherlands Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, The Hague, the Netherlands Province of Noord-Brabant, ?s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands Interprovinciaal overleg (IPO, i.e. association of Dutch provinces), The Hague, the Netherlands Geonovum (National Spatial Data Infrastructure executive committee), Amersfoort, the Netherlands Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands Institute for Environment and Sustainability, EC-Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy German Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR), Bonn, Germany
- Location : The Netherlands, Eindhoven, lat : 51.441641999999990000 - lng : 5.469722499999989000