Urban stream systems, with natural properties, interaction with urban area and ability to stimulate social perception, have an important role in planning cities. “Water sensitive urban area”, in which this properties are evaluated, incorporate so functions, increase urban life quality.
In this study; natural, urban and social components of Ankara’s urban river corridors have been analyzed in the way of protection and usage principles of cities. As a result of determinations concerning the study, “Urban River Corridors Landscape Plan” for Ankara has been suggested.

- English Title : Determination of Current Stuation of Ankara’s Urban River Corridors
- University : Ankara University, TR
- Project was done for Course Unit : CBS ve Uzaktan Algilama ( GIS and Remote Sensing )
- Coordinates - Longitude: : 0.000000000000000000
- Coordinates - Latitude: : 0.000000000000000000
- Notes : Key Words: Water sensitive planning, urban river corridors, stream and valley systems, river restoration, urban air corridors, urban heat islands, inversion, urban river corridors landscape plan , urban climate planning, urban rain water management
- Academic Year : 2009 / 10
- City : Ankara
- Project Language : Turkish
- Location of project : Turkey
- Image Title :