Anwendung des Beschränkungsindex der versiegelten Flächen B.V.F.

Abram, P., 2004, Anwendung des Beschränkungsindex der versiegelten Flächen B.V.F., International Green roof Association

  • Author : Abram, P.
  • Year : 2004
  • Title English : Application of the sealing index’
  • Pages : 39-42
  • Publisher : International Green roof Association
  • Abstract in English : The increasing share sealed surfaces within municipal areas leads to a significant reduction of the living quality for its population. The municipality of Bozen (Italy) has launched a study in order to limit and compensate the negative environmental affects of boiling operations within urban areas. Within the frame of this project a special ‘sealing index’ (B.V.F.: Beschränkungsindex der versiegelten Flächen) was developed which has proved to be an efferent tool for urban planning offices. The BVF makes the assessment of sealed areas actual value/rated value) within certain parts of the city much easier and considers green roofs as compensation measures.
  • Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: Green roofs, sealing index, paved areas, mitigation. SEE ALSO: IGRA, 2004. International Green Roof Congress. Conference Transcript. International Green roof Association, Berlin. 176.