Application of wildland scenic assessment methods to the urban landscape

Anderson, L.M. & H.W. Schroeder, 1983, Application of wildland scenic assessment methods to the urban landscape, in: Landscape planning, 10,

  • Author : Anderson, L.M. & H.W. Schroeder
  • Year : 1983
  • Journal/Series : Landscape planning
  • Volume Number (CONSECUTIVE: Counting all Volumes of this Journal ever published) : 10
  • Pages : 219-237
  • Abstract in English : One of the most widely recognized benefits of urban vegetation is its contribution to the visual quality of the city landscape. The aesthetic enhancement trees provide is translated into economic support for the landscaping and nursery, and higher property values within a community. However, when budgets are tight , other municipal services often meet with more funding success. Because urban forestry and other tree-related programs must operate within increasingly stringent budget constrains, it is important to develop an understanding of all the benefits of urban vegetation, so that what monies are available for management can be used effectively to increase these benefits. The research reported her was designed to increase understanding of the aesthetic benefits of urban vegetation. Our objectives were, first, to help establish the feasibility of studying the overall urban landscape using procedures adopted from other areas of scenic quality, and second to explore the influence of physical characteristics of urban landscapes, including vegetation, on aesthetic evaluations.
  • Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: urban forestry, trees, scenic assessment, scenic quality. UTILITY: lecturers/teachers, academic research.