- Area : 0,25
- GPS X : 16.479174300000068000
- GPS Y : 48.222414099999990000
- Implementation end : 2012
- Website : http://
- Project Status : Completed Project
- Ownership : Select Ownership...
- Accessibility : Select Accessability...
- Brief Description : The distinctive feature of the project is its open spaces, which have different degrees of openness and privacy. Every apartment has a private open space allocated to it. A roof garden, with barrier- free access granted via a lift, provides residents with a space for community activities. The middle of the garden is marked by a carpet of grasses and perennials, while a wheelchair-accessible plant table gives people with limited mobility an opportunity to do some gardening. A large, balcony-shaped extension turns the arbout into an outdoor living room and its large suspended window boxes are also an invitation to do some gardening. The interior courtyard is characterised by dwarf almond trees and round activity zones and has play, exercise, and recreational facilities that complement the open-air area (Lička, L.; Grimm, K. (Hg.) (2015): nextland Zeitgenössische Landschaftsarchitektur in Österreich. Birkhäuser, Basel, A32).
- Designer : PlanSinn GmbH - Meinharter
- Location : Austria, Wien, lat : 48.222414099999990000 - lng : 16.479174300000068000 address : Aspernstraße 95, 1220 Wien, Austria
- Project Name : Original : Aspernstrasse Outdoor Area
- Type : Residential homes, Residential homes