Assessing quality of rural areas in the Netherlands: finding the most important indicators for recreation

Goossen, M. & F. Langers, 2000, Assessing quality of rural areas in the Netherlands: finding the most important indicators for recreation, in: Landscape and Urban Planning, , 4

  • Author : Goossen, M. & F. Langers
  • Year : 2000
  • Journal/Series : Landscape and Urban Planning
  • Volume Number (ANNUAL: Counting Volumes of the Year shown above) : 4
  • Pages : 241-251
  • Contents in English : In a survey about quality, it is important to interview the recreationist themselves. So, inhome interviews were made with cyclist, walkers, swimmers, sailors and fishermen. The survey tried to assess the relative importance of some quality indicators of rural areas for recreational purpose. Dutch researchers usually divide quality into utilisation quality and perception quality. Utilisation quality is defined as fitness for use, while perception quality is that quality of the environment which people notice or experience when they engage in recreational activities. Tranquillity, accessibility, water quality and nuisance value were most important quality indicators.
  • Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: quality, recreation, quality indicators. UTILITY: lecturers/teachers, academic research, students of universities of professional education.