ATOM – Energija u vrtu; IV Ponte de Lima Internacionalni festival vrtova

If we want to define energy as, let’s say, kinetic energy- we have to have substances on the move, because (by definition) only things that are moving have the kinetic energy. On the other hand, things have potential energy given by their position…
And so on… So, if we want to define energy, any energy at all, we have to have substance!
In the beginning, all substances are composed of smaller parts- atoms.
All atoms are made of smaller component parts: protons, neutrons and electrons.

When it’s put like this it looks so simple, and it is, and also everything is made out of these simple things. As it’s all so simple, we thought that it would be a great idea to present energy by its component parts.
This idea of ours, have a goal- to show how simple energy is; how electrons spinning and rotating around the nucleus make everything exist; to show how energy is being “produced”!

From the plan you can see how nucleus is being the center of the whole garden.
When visitors come into the garden they can see the nucleus because it is above the rest, and immediately they can feel that the nucleus is attracting them to itself. Nucleus is the center; the visitor can come to it by walking on the electrons. Electrons are placed on their orbits. By walking on electrons you can only see, through the plants, a part of the orbits. The rest of the orbits are invisible in order to show how our atom is been overgrown by plants- by nature. So, the energy that we are filling is coming right from the nature- nature is the energy. The plants that are being used are mostly tropical plants which have ability to grow fast, to multiply fast, to overgrow and conquer everything on their way. Those are very energetic plants, and are responding to our main idea at all.

Every free space in the garden is meant for walking and exploring the environment. The visitors can wander around and see the space from the every angle. But the best place for overlook of the whole garden is the nucleus. The visitors can get to the nucleus by walking on the wood chopped in slices that represent the electrons.

  • English Title : ATOM - Energy in the Garden; 4th Ponte de Lima International Garden Festival
  • University : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry, RS
  • Project was done for Course Unit : Pejzazno projektovanje 2 ( Landscape Design 2 )
  • Coordinates - Longitude: : 0.000000000000000000
  • Coordinates - Latitude: : 0.000000000000000000
  • Notes : Authors: Marko Jovic, Dragana Cavlovic, Milena Petakovic, Maja Vujinovic.
  • Academic Year : 2007 / 08
  • City : Belgrade
  • Project Language : Serbian
  • Supervisor : Ljiljana Vujkovic, Dragan Vujicic
  • Image Title : Atom.general