Attachment to place and the representation of the life course by the elderly

Rubinstein, R.L. & P.A. Parmelee, 1992, Attachment to place and the representation of the life course by the elderly, in: Altman, I. & S.M. Low, ‘Place attachment’, Plenum Press, New York

  • Author : Rubinstein, R.L. & P.A. Parmelee
  • Year : 1992
  • Published in Book : Place attachment
  • Pages : 139-163
  • Outline in English : Attachment to place is a set of feelings about a geographic location that emotionally binds a person to that place a function of its role as a setting for experiences. Attachment and attachment behaviour have traditionally been viewed as arising from early life experience. This chapter takes a complementary view that attachment behaviour and concerns are life course phenomena. For older people in particular, place attachment is related to experience of the life course and themes of self-identity that span that life course. While attachment to place may be lived eider currently or as part of memory, it exists within the larger context of the events of the life course, how they are interpreted, and need to maintain a coherent sense of self over time. In this chapter, the authors highlight the special significance of place attachment for older people.
  • Comments/Notes : place attachment, elderly, places, neighbourhoods.