Zsombor Boromisza, Ildikó Módosné Bugyi, 2012, Bányatavak szerepe a tájkarakterben, in: xxx, 2, 2
- Author : Zsombor Boromisza, Ildikó Módosné Bugyi
- Year : 2012
- Title English : Influence of mining lakes on the landscape character through Hungarian examples
- Journal/Series : xxx
- Volume Number (ANNUAL: Counting Volumes of the Year shown above) : 2
- Volume Number (CONSECUTIVE: Counting all Volumes of this Journal ever published) : 2
- Pages : 27-36
- Abstract in English : Abstact: We have examined the landscape character’s factors in several mining lakes located in different landscapes of Hungary. In our interpretation the main factors of landscape character involve - in addition to the groups of natural elements having character-determining value and to the visual aspects – the historically – during centuries developed landscape structures and the locality’s traditions and emotions connected to landscape and land-use. According to their role in landscape character you can classify mining lakes on highland and lowland as well as working and abandoned (restored) ones. In case of highland mining lakes there is a much bigger landscape part having landscape character-determining value. In case of lowland mining lakes, however, rather the neighbouring land use, associated vegetation cover, and degraded surface (positive or negative geometry) play greater role than location-factors.