
Mader, G. & L. Neubert-Mader, 1996, Bäume, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Stuttgart

  • Author : Mader, G. & L. Neubert-Mader
  • Year : 1996
  • Title English : Trees for designing in Garden, landscape and city development
  • Publisher : Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt
  • Publisher's Location : Stuttgart
  • ISBN : 3-421-03086-3
  • Pages : 220
  • Abstract : The book reviews a wide range of applications of trees in different types of landscape, especially European landscapes. It contains many pictures and schemes.
  • Comments : trees, urban trees, rural landscapes, urban forestry, garden, history, avenues, squares, parks, planting design, landscape dicing, cultural-history, courtyards. UTILITY: lecturers/teachers, academic research, students of universities of professional education. (A very inspiring book)