Bioloģiskā saimniecība „Krogsētas”

Balode L. Biological farm „Krogsētas” development Project: The diploma project. – Jelgava, LLU, Faculty of Rural Engineering, Department of Building and Architecture. – 2009. – 109 pages.
There has been described and characterized the history of Vārmes district and existing tourism objects in the area.
The current situation in the territory has been investigated. The analysis of wind, insolation, biotope, view points, territorial land utilization, flora, and fauna has been done.
The project offers a suggestion that would provide an opportunity to get to know the interesting nature and territory through cognitive and nature trails that belong to the farm. In project it has been additionally intended an organic plant cultivation in limited amount and camp realization to children who would like to practice organic cultivation of vegetables and plants.
In more detail there has been developed the territory of the designed organic farm „Krogsētas” that is meant for an organized, healthy, and educational recreation in nature near campsites’ water storages, in bathhouses or tents. Perennial plant plantation near the bathhouse, administrative building, and camp houses has been developed in detail.
The diploma project contains: an explanatory note on 92 pages, 14 tables, 44 images, 15 enclosures, a graphic part on 5 sheets of format 01, and the list of references.

  • English Title : Biological farm „Krogsētas”
  • University : Latvia University of Agriculture, LV
  • Project was done for Course Unit : Diplomprojekts ( Diploma project )
  • Coordinates - Longitude: : 22.214355468750000000
  • Coordinates - Latitude: : 56.878436385995370000
  • Academic Year : 2006 / 07
  • City : Riga
  • Project Language : English