The project explores the current situation of the territory adherent to the Psychological Rehabilitation Centre “Dūjas”, considering in detail the natural elements, the present zoning, pedestrian and transport movement, interaction with ambient objects, as well as, the amount of sunlight. The project also contains information about the rehabilitation centre’s visitor groups, human emotions and the possibilities of involving them in the designed outdoor space.
The author of the project has drafted the zoning of the Children’s Psychological Rehabilitation Centre “Dūjas” and offered utility solutions, including architectural small forms, specification of the designed materials, a greenery plan, and the arrangement and tending of the greenery.

- English Title : Children's Psychological Rehabilitation Centre "Dujas"
- University : Latvia University of Agriculture, LV
- Project was done for Course Unit : Diplomprojekts ( Diploma project )
- Coordinates - Longitude: : 0.000000000000000000
- Coordinates - Latitude: : 0.000000000000000000
- Notes : The diploma project contains: an explanatory note on 130 pages, which includes 1 table, 17 images and 27 appendices, as well as, a graphical part on 4,5 AO posters.
- Academic Year : 2010 / 11
- City : Jelgava
- Project Language : English
- Location of project : Latvia
- Image Title : Diplomprojekta pase
- Image Desc : The project explores the current situation of the territory adherent to the Psychological Rehabilitation Centre "Dūjas", considering in detail the natural elements, the present zoning, pedestrian and transport movement, interaction with ambient objects, as well as, the amount of sunlight.