Turer Baskaya, F.A., 2010, Brownfield Atlas of Istanbul: Reinventing Sustainable Ways to Regenerate Brownfield Sites, in: Yildizci, A.C., Seckin, Y. C., Guler, G., ‘ECLAS 2010 Istanbul Caltural Landscape’, Cenkler, Istanbul/Turkey
- Author : Turer Baskaya, F.A.
- Year : 2010
- English Title : Brownfield Atlas of Istanbul: Reinventing Sustainable Ways to Regenerate Brownfield Sites
- Published in Book : ECLAS 2010 Istanbul Caltural Landscape
- Pages : 183-191
- Abstract in English : This study examines brownfield regeneration efforts in Istanbul and attempts to prepare an inventory for these problematic sites in order to identify sustainable ways to regenerate brownfield sites in 2010 European Capital of Culture. The questions that guide this study are: - What are the main factors effective on the generation of brownfield sites in Istanbul? - What are the characteristics of brownfield sites in Istanbul and how can we classify them? - How has brownfield regeneration evolved in Istanbul over the last decades? - What are the main characteristics of sustainable brownfield regeneration and what factors can contribute to the patterns of sustainable regeneration? Seeking answers to these questions this study tends to use GIS in order to explore dynamics effective on generation, distribution and classification of brownfield sites. Information on the progress of brownfield regeneration in Istanbul and the factors contributing to the regeneration trends are compiled from the existing scholarly and government literatures, besides, the GIS analysis done within this study. For the purposes of this paper, a brownfield atlas is defined as a comprehensive and meaningful spatial representation of brownfield related landscapes. It is a mapping way of thinking that incorporates the complexities of the brownfield regeneration and the landscape it is representing. Today, there is an increasing political demand for the regeneration of brownfield sites in Istanbul. However, information about current brownfields is inadequate and a city-wide systematic approach for the regeneration of these sites is lacking. This paper is an attempt to fill the present gap in the research of brownfield regeneration in Turkey, for the benefit of Istanbul megacity.