Objectives of Project: The inter-related issues of urban sprawl, traffic congestion, noise, and air pollution are major socio-economic problems faced by most European cities. The main objective of BUGS is to develop an integrated methodology to assess the role of green space in alleviating the adverse effects of urbanisation. Addressing the impact of green areas on such diverse areas as traffic flows and emissions, air quality, microclimate, noise, accessibility, economic efficiency, and social well-being, this methodology will allow to deduce a set of guidelines regarding the use of green space as a design tool for urban planning, at scales ranging from a street canyon or a park to an entire urban region. Potential end-users are actively involved to help focus and steer the work. Supported by a marketing strategy, the ultimate goal is to turn the methodology into a self-sustaining activity, to be offered as a service to urban and regional authorities in Europe.
Project Timetable: 2001-2004
Structure/Organisation of Project: Structure/Organisation of Project
Members of the Project Team: The Flemish Institute for Technological Research
Results/Outcomes: Results/Outcomes
Comments: Comments
Weblink(s): http://www.vito.be/bugs/
- Project start : 0000
- Project end : 0000