Campus outdoor spaces

Cooper Marcus, C. & T. Wischemann, 1997, Campus outdoor spaces, in: Cooper Marcus, C. & C. Francis, ‘People places’, Wiley & Sons, Ontario

  • Author : Cooper Marcus, C. & T. Wischemann
  • Year : 1997
  • English Title : Campus outdoor spaces
  • Published in Book : People places
  • Pages : 175-208
  • Abstract in English : The function of the campus is illustrated by the following citation: “An important criterion for evaluating campus plans would be to ask whether the campus plan encourage the maximum number of impromptu (ca.: improvised, spontaneous, informal) encounters with other students, with other faculty members, with visitors, with works of art, with books, and with activities which one is not himself a regular part… The efficiency of a campus plan is not merely to provide the physical setting in which the formal activities of the university are to take places. Much of the education of anybody occurs outside and separate from the formal courses un which he is registered, and only if the plan has the kinds of qualities which will stimulate curiosity, prompt casual encounters and conversation … will the atmosphere which it produces be truly educational in the broadest sense (Keast 1967)” This chapter offers guidelines and recommendations for the design of campus outdoor spaces. It is dealing with: Literature on campus open space and campus plans. Design recommendations (and issues) pp. 176-199: home base: space adjacent to specific buildings (the front porch, the front yard, the back yard, the back door); common turf: campus spaces used by everyone (campus entrances, major plaza spaces, size, spatial attributes, favourite outdoor spaces, outdoor study areas); problems inhibiting campus outdoor use (crime and fear of crime, traffic), campus wear and tear, way finding. Case studies (3) of campus open space (successful features/unsuccessful features) pp. 199-204. References pp. 204-205. Design review checklist (75 points of attention: the front porch, the front yard, the back yard, the back door, campus entrances, major plaza spaces, favourite outdoor spaces, outdoor study areas, factors inhibiting campus use pp. 206-208.