Challenges for the politics of public space in Buenos Aires and Vienna: Cultural practices and social innovation. Movements, dynamics and mechanisms

Do urban politics in Vienna and Buenos Aires recognize, advocate and use
public spaces as strategic spatial sphere to strengthen the potential
for social innovation in these cities? Urban politics in Vienna and
Buenos Aires are currently facing new challenges through changes in
cultural diversity and migration patterns. In this context, public
spaces have gained new importance in the political agendas of both
cities. The bi-national project team interprets these public spaces as
analytical entrance to investigate risks and potentials of a new
cultural diversity for the urban development of Vienna and Buenos Aires.
We are using the concept of ?social innovation? as a reference,
interpreting it as all changes in urban culture and societal action that
aim towards increasing the quality of live in a socially just and
inclusive manner.

  • Title Original : Herausforderungen für die Politik des öffentlichen Raumes in Buenos Aires und Wien: Kulturelle Praktiken und soziale Innovationen. Bewegungen, Dynamiken und Mechanismen
  • Website : http://
  • Project start : 2011
  • Project end : 2013
  • Contact Person : Eva Schwab, Projekt Manager
  • Funding Agency : Österreichischer Austauschdienst (Austrian Development Agency), Zelinkagasse 2, 1010 Wien, Austria
  • Project Partners : SKuOR TU Vienna. Universidad de La Plata, Facultad de Arquitectura. CEUR Centro de Estudios Urbanos y Regionales, Buenos Aires.
  • Project structure : International research project with research teams composed of one austrian and one argentinan member.
  • Location : Argentina, Buenos Aires, lat : -34.603723200000000000 - lng : -58.381593100000030000