Hammer, R. B., S.I., Stewart, R.L. Winkler, V.C., Radeloff & P. R. Voss, 2004, Charaterizing dynamic spatial and temporal residential density patterns from 1940-1990 across the North Central United States, in: Landscape and Urban Planning, ,
- Author : Hammer, R. B., S.I., Stewart, R.L. Winkler, V.C., Radeloff & P. R. Voss
- Year : 2004
- Journal/Series : Landscape and Urban Planning
- Pages : 183-199
- Contents in English : OUTLINE: In this paper, the authors describe and analyze the various spatial and temporal dimensions of housing development and human settlement in seven-state North Central Region of the United States. To illustrate in more detail some of the patterns of change not evident in this expansive region, the authors also include an analysis of the Minneapolis/St. Paul Metropolitan Area, along wih its environs to the north and east. The fine spatial scale and broad extent, along with the temporal dimension, make the methods introduced here for housing density particularly appropriate for interdisciplinary landscape change research, with practical extensions to the planning and policy arenas.
- Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: housing density, housing growth, sprawl, amenity growth, landscape change.