Child care outdoor spaces

Francis, C., 1997, Child care outdoor spaces, in: Cooper Marcus, C. & C. Francis, ‘People places’, Wiley & Sons, Ontario

  • Author : Francis, C.
  • Year : 1997
  • English Title : Child care outdoor spaces
  • Published in Book : People places
  • Pages : 259-310
  • Abstract in English : Parents seek preschool programs not only for child care during a parent’s workday but for social and developmental benefits possible in a peer group setting with trained professional caregivers and in an environment designed to enhance and facilitate that development. It has been pointed out that families often seek a day care centre that might act as a surrogate neighbourhood – a social community for both the children and adults that might replace the interactions that occurred on the block a generation ago. Considering the pressing and increasing need for child care and the magnitude and vulnerability of the affected population , it is clear that questions of care for these children is of national significance, demanding knowledgeable program development coupled with thoughtful and sensitive facilities design This chapter offers guidelines and recommendations for the design of child care outdoor spaces. It is dealing with: History, importance of the environment, literature on child care outdoor spaces, play and development in child care setting. Design recommendations (and issues) pp. 266-294: issues to consider before design (number and ages of children served, Building on a child’s scale, variety an opportunity, sensory stimulation, manipulation, outdoor activities) , site characteristics (amount of space, adjacent uses, entry, topography, natural areas, building and yard, activity areas and path. Microclimate), elements and equipment (storage. Planting, choosing plants, water, sand and dirt, animals; climbing, sliding and swinging, safety and playground equipments, loose parts, wheeled toys, real vehicles), Space for infants, social issues (watching, joining, backing out, retreat), alternatives to ground-level playgrounds (rooftop play spaces, indoor street) Case studies (4) of child care outdoor spaces (successful features/unsuccessful features) pp. 295-304. References pp. 304-306. Design review checklist (134 points of attention: as Design recommendations) pp. 307-310.