Hallden, G., 2003, Children views of family home a house, in: Christensen, P. & M.O’Brien, ‘Children in the city’, RoutledgeFalmer, London
- Author : Hallden, G.
- Year : 2003
- Published in Book : Children in the city
- Pages : 29-45
- Outline in English : Recent discussion on children’s agency and childhood from social perspective has emphasised the importance of place. Geographies of childhood are beginning to deal with questions such as where children are located, how they negotiate access to specific places and how these places are given meanings. The author’s interest in this chapter is the house, the home and the relation between indoor and outdoors as it is accounted for in children’s Narratives. Before exploring the narratives, however the author places the analysis in a Swedish context with its emphasis on nature and children: the importance of the healthy outdoors and of protected home environment. If we wish to reflect on the relationship between children and place, we must take into consideration the deeply rooted Swedish tradition of associating children with nature
- Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: children, cities, place, meaning of place.