Birli Barbara, 2012, Circular Flow Land Use Management – Voitsberg, The European Land and Soil Alliance (ELSA) e.V.
- Author : Birli Barbara
- Year : 2012
- Title English : Circular Flow Land Use Management - Voitsberg
- Pages : 15-18
- Publisher : The European Land and Soil Alliance (ELSA) e.V.
- Abstract in English : Despite all efforts to reduce land take and to promote sustainable land use, the built environment expands by more than 1,000 km² every year in the European Union. This corresponds to the size of Berlin. On the other hand , former production sites and old settlement areas remain unused due to implications resulting from their former use. This discrepancy is exceptionally high in typical “shrinking regions”; i.e. regions with a poor economy and significant migration to other economically more promising regions. The negative effects of this process are widely known and include, above all, an increase in traffic (long distance commuters), higher costs for infrastructure (streets, sewage systems etc.) and loss of social integrity. This trend is highly unsustainable in view of reducing green house gases and saving energy. Activities done to face this trend in the region of Voitsberg included the inventorisation of brownfields and derelict land, awareness raising activities for local planners and at secondary schools, the establishment of a land management agency and experimental biomass plantations on large brownfield sites.
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