Johnston, M., 1985, Community forestry: a sociological approach to urban forestry, in: Arboricultural Journal, 9, 2
- Author : Johnston, M.
- Year : 1985
- Journal/Series : Arboricultural Journal
- Volume Number (ANNUAL: Counting Volumes of the Year shown above) : 2
- Volume Number (CONSECUTIVE: Counting all Volumes of this Journal ever published) : 9
- Pages : 121-126
- Abstract in English : Trees can play a vital role in the welfare of urban communities. Their unique ability to control many of the damaging effects of city environments significantly improves the quality of urban life. As many urban residents live in deteriorating physical and social conditions there is an increasing need for urban forest that are manage as a multi-purpose resource for the benefit of the whole community. The social and psychological benefits of urban trees are not limited to their aesthetic form nor simply experienced through casual observation. Urban residents with their own trees and gardens are able to experience the benefits of involvement in the process of arboriculture. The aim of urban forestry is to improve the welfare of urban residents; the planting and care of trees is a means to end in itself. Much of the social and psychological value of an urban forest depends on resident involvement in the planting and care of trees. Therefore, in areas of cities where there are few privately-owned trees residents involvement in community forest programmes should not be regarded as simply and aid to the management of the forest but a major objective of urban forest policy.
- Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: urban forestry, community forestry, societal significance, trees, education, participation. UTILITY: lecturers/teachers, academic research, students of universities of professional education.