Comparison of different “Marka” areas in Norway

Jørund, A., 2004, Comparison of different “Marka” areas in Norway, in: OPENspace, ‘Open space, people space’, OPENspace, Edinburgh

  • Author : Jørund, A.
  • Year : 2004
  • Published in Book : Open space, people space
  • Abstract in English : ABSTRACT: ‘Marka’ is a distinctively Norwegian concept, and refers to large, mainly forested, near-urban nature areas. Such areas are regarded as important for recreational purposes. To a certain degree the ‘marka’ concept has a related management ideal. This paper compares different Norwegian near-urban nature areas, and shows that not all such areas fit into the marka concept and the marka management ideal. This indicates a need to focus more on differences between Norwegian near-urban nature areas and develop a broader spectrum of management models. This paper focuses more on raising awareness of this issue, rather than providing answers.
  • Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: forest recreation, nature management, urban forests, urban forestry. [paper 7 p.]