Competencies of landscape architects within the field of landscape planning

Marušič, I., 2004, Competencies of landscape architects within the field of landscape planning, in: ECLAS (Jørgensen, K. & G. Fry), ‘A critical light on landscape architecture’, ,

  • Author : Marušič, I.
  • Year : 2004
  • Published in Book : A critical light on landscape architecture
  • Abstract in English : Among the generic competencies all graduates of the European universities should posses some are specifically important for landscape planners. There are also competencies that are subject specific. The ability of abstraction – model building, the ability of generalisation, switching among different scales, mental visualisation, ability to understand and catalyse different social interests, communication and mediating capacities were some of competencies that were already defined at Larenstein workshop sessions as subject specific. It is obvious that competencies landscape planner should posses vary from country to country. An inquiry among professionals in different countries would help very much, in this respect. As the first step in implementing this idea an interview has been carried out among Slovenian landscape architects. The active landscape architects were asked to evaluate the importance of predefined generic as well as subject specific competencies. Beside, they were asked to add competencies they have found important for activity of landscape planning (landscape architecture). The list and importance of the competencies is presented and commented. (Because the inquiry is at an earlier stage - collecting answers - the results cannot be commented, yet).