
Wilson, E. O., 1998, Consilience, Little Brown and Company, London

  • Author : Wilson, E. O.
  • Year : 1998
  • Title English : Consilience
  • Publisher : Little Brown and Company
  • Publisher's Location : London
  • ISBN : 0-316-64569-9
  • Pages : 374
  • Comments : p. 2-3 ...the Ionian Enchantment... means a belief in the unity of the sciences... ...that the world is orderly and can be explained by a small number of natural laws. ... But the spell of the Enchantment extends to other fields as well, and in a few minds it reaches beyond into the social sciences, and still further... touch the humanities. Chapter 2 "The greatest enterprise of the mind has always been and always will be the attempted linkage of the sciences and the humanities."