Urban Agriculture (UA) plays a key role in two global challenges: urbanization and food security. It can provide an important contribution to sustainable, resilient urban development and the creation and maintenance of multifunctional urban landscapes. In the globally emerging research field of UA, a European approach to the subject needs to be created. It has to integrate the unique European context regarding its urban and landscape pattern, the important role of the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) and the needs of the European society. The COST-Action Urban Agriculture Europe (UAE) will initiate the definition of this European approach on the basis of existing research projects and reference regions in the partner countries.
The outcomes of the Action will help to focus future research on UA, modify the CAP and stimulate private and public activities in UA projects and planning. The Action will use an innovative approach crossing bottom-up and top-down methods, using the method of research by design and creating interfaces between the three methods. By working in close cooperation with regional stakeholders from the domains of urban development and agriculture the Action contributes to sustainable, resilient territorial development in Europe and aims for leadership in research on UA in developed countries.
- Website : http://www.urbanagricultureeurope.la.rwth-aachen.de/
- Project start : 2012
- Project end : 2016
- Contact Person : Frank Lohrberg
- Funding Agency : COST
- Project Partners : http://www.urbanagricultureeurope.la.rwth-aachen.de/action/partner.html
- Project structure : Management committee and four working groups