Green urban structures differ in European cities depending on ecological, cultural and political structures. They are man made, serve human functions and provide ecological services for good living conditions in cities and citiy regions. Three workinggroups gathered findings on “ecological aproaches to green structure planning”, “human issues” and “policies for green structure and urban planning”. Experiences from european cities in Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom are presented as field trips and case studies.

- Title Original : COST C 11: Green structure and urban planning
- Website :
- Project start : 0000
- Project end : 0000
- Contact Person : Bettina Oppermann
- Funding Agency : EU COST Programme
- Image Title : COCT C11 Logo from web site
- Image Desc : Section of the COST C11 Logo Image