Sarap, T., 2004, Critique in education, in: ECLAS (Jørgensen, K. & G. Fry), ‘A critical light on landscape architecture’, ,
- Author : Sarap, T.
- Year : 2004
- Published in Book : A critical light on landscape architecture
- Abstract in English : Critique as • Demonstration of learning outcomes and presentation skills • Learning • Teaching • Evaluation Critique is the situation where most of the learning outcomes are assessed in landscape architects education. But there are still ways of making this important learning and evaluating situation more developing for students and staff. We know students are choosing strategies for their learning, adapted to what the evaluation is focused on. We can take advantage of this strategy through thorough defining of the learning outcomes, the assessment and the criteria to be used. Professor George Brown, QMC, University of Nottingham is the inspiring person, whom I got to know during development of new study programmes at Malmö University. He made us work with the learning outcomes, especially in programmes with esthetical dimensions. The Department of Landscape planning started the process of defining different evaluation criteria in January 2004. There were two separate goals for the work with defining criteria for assessment. First, we knew students felt unsafe about critique situations, especially about what criteria we used for the evaluation of their project work. Second, we thought it would be helpful as a tool to describe the learning progression in our topics. Professor Bobo Hjort also held a lecture about 9 typical dilemmas which cold fail a critique. He reminded us that critique in the beginning of a programme is more learning than evaluation, and in the end of the programme the assessment dominates. We started the work by listing the most common reasons why projects fail in a critique. This gave us a hint on what learning outcomes we regard most important.