Cultural limits? The connection between culture and space in the world of young Turkish and Moroccan girls in the Netherlands

Hooghiemstra, E., 1997, Cultural limits? The connection between culture and space in the world of young Turkish and Moroccan girls in the Netherlands, in: Camstra, R., ‘Growing up in a changing urban landscape’, Van Gorcum, Assen

  • Author : Hooghiemstra, E.
  • Year : 1997
  • Published in Book : Growing up in a changing urban landscape
  • Pages : 153-167
  • Abstract in English : Children of today are the adults of tomorrow. The position of Turkish and Moroccan inhabitants of Holland is in many ways weak. The political goal of equal participation in all societal sectors has been reached yet. Much is to be expected of the second generation, because these children are raised in Dutch society. The question arises how the second generation is affected by the Dutch society. This article shows that especially Turkish and Moroccan girls only make limited use of the public environment. The implications for the future position of Turkish and Moroccan in Dutch society are difficult to foresee without knowledge of the reasons for specific spatial behaviour.
  • Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: children, ethnics, leisure, behaviour, lifestyle.