Dachbegrüngungsrichtlinie: Richtlinie für die planung, Ausführung und Pflege von Dachbegrüngungen

FLL, 2002, Dachbegrüngungsrichtlinie: Richtlinie für die planung, Ausführung und Pflege von Dachbegrüngungen, LFF Forschungsgesellschaft Landscahftsentwicklung Landschaftsbau

  • Author : FLL
  • Year : 2002
  • Title English : Roof-Greening Guideline,Guideline for the Planning, Execution and Upkeep of Green-Roof sites
  • Publisher : LFF Forschungsgesellschaft Landscahftsentwicklung Landschaftsbau
  • Abstract in English : New and innovative developments within the green roof trade are underway. In the last 25 years, the landscape development and landscape Construction Research Society (FLL) has played a decisive role in fixing standards for green roof technology in Germany. The independent structure of the organisation Guarantees an intensive exchange of knowledge and experiences between green roof experts from science, industry and the political sector. As a result, the FLL guidelines are reflecting the latest developments and the acknowledged stat-of-the art technology. The guidelines have proved to be very helpful for decision-making and as a basis for discussions among green roof expert. However, the are no recipe book with fixed solutions for all green roof problems. It means to use these guidelines as a tool in order to create reliable and high quality green roofs. (Loesken, 2004).
  • Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: Green roofs, guidelines roof construction, planning, roof systems, rainwater management, substrates, quality.