De citadel, centrum van de Waalsprong

The Citadel, the centre of ‘the Waalsprong’
Mark Dillen

It is a fact that the landscape north of the river Waal, near the city of Nijmegen, will be transformed into an urban expansion area of 12,000 homes. The Citadel area will be the core of the future Waalsprong, containing living- , working-, shopping- and recreational areas. Many studies and plans have already been made for the Citadel area. The current plan completely wraps the existing the historic lower fortress Lent in the new urban area. This Master Plan offers an alternative solution to this problem.

Looking at the traditional genesis and growth of cities, we see that these are usually formed at a junction of roads. It has a core / centre formed, over the years. The expansion of the city is always at the edges. The Citadel is the centre of the Waalsprong and forms a reaction to the city form of Nijmegen, on the other side of the river; a sort of reflection’. The significant cultural landscape of the fort and its surroundings is partially transformed back into the natural situation of the river landscape, herewith making the existing contrast between the natural river landscape and the new city, even stronger. In this way more variety will be added to the landscape and different habitats will be formed. The drainage will be less fast, thus creating wet habitats for species like salamander and different frog species and all kinds of rare vegetation. On the higher levees, drier vegetation will develop, like dry grasslands and woodland.

The Citadel will be a have the function of the centre of the Waalsprong. Therefore durable and high quality plant- and other materials will be used. This translates into the use of many types of natural stone, exquisite furnishings and heavy plant equipment. Different materials are chosen for their durability, functionality and natural aesthetic values. The green part in the development can roughly be divided into two different typologies:

Natural green:
This is situated between the boulevard and the fort. The natural green can be divided into a drier and a wetter area. This results in an enormous variety of vegetation, natural grasslands, ooibos, riparian planting and flowery meadows. An area with a rich flora and fauna. The management of the natural greenery will be extensive.

Truly green-Culture:
All the green in the urban area will consist of several green culture. This means they work with green structures that enhance the architectural lines. An example is the use of Platanus Hispanica that emphasises the boulevard. Also in the square a high quality green, a green oasis within the urban area will be created.

  • English Title : The Citadel, the centre of ‘the Waalsprong’
  • University : VHL University of Applied Sciences, NL
  • Project was done for Course Unit : Landschapsbouw ( Landcape architecture (large scale) )
  • Coordinates - Longitude: : 0.000000000000000000
  • Coordinates - Latitude: : 0.000000000000000000
  • Weblink :
  • Academic Year : 2007 / 08
  • City : Arnhem
  • Project Language : Dutch
  • Supervisor : Jos Ulijn, Madeleine Dambrink Marianne van Lidth de Jeude Margreet van Kuijk
  • Image Title : project poster of Mark Dillen (student VHL)
  • Image Desc : Nijmegen jumps over the river Waal, north of the city. Students of 'Garden Arquitecture' at Velp, the Netherlands (VHL) made plans to better incorporate the existing fortress of an old defence line into the new city.