Der Schweizerische Bienenvater

Fischer, G. et al., 1981, Der Schweizerische Bienenvater, Sauerländer, Aarau

  • Author : Fischer, G. et al.
  • Year : 1981
  • Title English : The Swiss beekeeper
  • Publisher : Sauerländer
  • Publisher's Location : Aarau
  • ISBN : 3-7941-1325
  • Pages : 568
  • Abstract : This volume offers an overview about host plant for bees (bee forage plants) and the way in which they are important to honeybees, and the ways how to keep them.
  • Comments : KEYWORDS: Apiculture, beekeeping, host plants (forage plants) for bees. UTILITY: lecturers/teachers, academic research, students of universities of professional education. Planting design and landscape management involve Apiculture – (beeculture practised by beekeepers: people that keep honeybees). Honeybee folks live in beehives. A healthy folk contain about 30.000-50.000 bees. Bees are very important and often necessary for the pollination of flowers of plants, which we need for our existence. A beefolk needs about 30-50 kg pollen and a few times more nectar. In this context, plantings are important for everybody. Host plant for bees are plants that provide nectar and pollen for food of bees (honeybees, bumblebees and other wild bees) Planting design and landscape and vegetation management are strongly involve with these category of plant species which cover all the life forms.