Design that cares

Carpman, J.R. & M.A. Grant, 1993, Design that cares, American Hospital Publishing, New York

  • Author : Carpman, J.R. & M.A. Grant
  • Year : 1993
  • Publisher : American Hospital Publishing
  • Publisher's Location : New York
  • ISBN : 0787957399
  • Pages : 310
  • Edition : 2
  • Abstract : From internet: Hospital design speaks volumes about the beliefs and values of health care in general. For many years, hospital after hospital has been constructed in the interests of physicians, trustees, and administrators. Rarely has the patient been a top priority in facility design. Design That Cares is a groundbreaking book written for decision makers. Including general guidelines, drawings, and instructive examples, this work develops an essential perspective previously absent from health care design. Design That Cares contains a plethora of concrete architectural advice that will serve as an excellent place for executives to begin in rethinking present facility design in health care. The book is on hospital design in general, chapter 8 is on garden design, and window view. However, some other chapters may increase insight useful for landscape design.
  • Comments : KEYWORDS: Landscape architecture, landscape design, hospitals, way finding, window view, gardens, elderly, disabled.