The aim of this Project is to monitor spatial and
temporal variations in the Mediterranean landscapes using land use / land cover
(LULC) mapping and change detection based on remote sensing and GIS and to
develop proposals for resource planning. In this context, LULC mapping and
change detection were employed on the basis of fine and medium resolution
satellite imagery (Quickbird, WorldView?1, ASTER and Landsat TM datasets) in
Tarsus, Erdemli districts and Metropolitan area of Mersin Province. Ecological
data analysis was done using CORINE Land Cover (CLC) and CORINE habitat
classifications. Different remote sensing methods were tested to define a landscape?level
environmental monitoring model that integrates most accurate analysis methods and
approaches, within the scope that will help describe ecosystems in different
spatial and time scales as it involves mapping and change detection. Ecological
data analysis procedures included field and laboratory works. Field data was
used as input for high resolution habitat classification and mapping and as
training and reference data in LULC mapping/change detection and accuracy assessment
procedures, respectively. The outcomes of this project suggested a model that
may facilitate extraction of standard and systematic information on an
ecological basis, required for the physical planning procedures in Turkey.
- Title Original : Peyzaj Düzeyindeki Veri Envanteri ve ?zlemenin Fiziksel Planlamaya Entegrasyonu ?çin Uzaktan Alg?lama ve Co?rafi Bilgi Sistemlerine Dayal? Bir Model Geli?tirilmesi: Mersin ?li Örne?i
- Website : http://
- Project start : 2007
- Project end : 2011
- Contact Person : Hakan Alphan
- Funding Agency : Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council
- Project Partners : Cukurova University, Ministry of Forestry
- Location : Turkey, Icel, lat : 36.800000000000000000 - lng : 34.633333300000004000 address : Mersin, Turkey; Turkey, Tarsus, lat : 36.916666700000000000 - lng : 34.899999999999980000; Turkey, Erdemli, lat : 36.607769000000000000 - lng : 34.316139000000020000