Westrich, P., 1989, Die Wildbienen Baden-Württembergs, Ulmer , Stuttgart
- Author : Westrich, P.
- Year : 1989
- Title English : Wild bees of Baden-Württembergs
- Publisher : Ulmer
- Publisher's Location : Stuttgart
- ISBN : 3-8001-3307-5
- Pages : 972
- Abstract : The two volumes offer a comprehensive overview of all wild bees in Baden-Württembergs. The two volumes are dealing with all ecological aspects of wild bees. ABSTRACT: Bees, wild bees, bumble bees, host plant for bees, host plants, bees’ ecology.
- Comments : UTILITY: lecturers/teachers, academic research, students of universities of professional education. Biodiversity becomes more and more a task for planting design, landscape planning, and landscape management. Wild bees can contribute to biodiversity but this demands specific knowledge plant species and management. These volumes may be good guidelines for bees supporting planting design and vegetation management.