Brown, B.B. & D.D. Perkins, 1992, Disruptions in place attachment, in: Altman, I. & S.M. Low, ‘Place attachment’, Plenum Press, New York
- Author : Brown, B.B. & D.D. Perkins
- Year : 1992
- Published in Book : Place attachment
- Pages : 279-304
- Abstract in English : place attachment, disruption.
- Outline in English : A study of disruptions in psychological processes can provide unique insight into their predisruption function as well a the disruptions themselves and their consequences. Place attachment processes normally reflect the behavioural, cognitive, and emotional embeddedness individual experience in their sociophysical environments. An examination of disruptions in place attachments demonstrates how fundamental they are to the experience and meaning of everyday life. After the development of secure place attachment, the loss of normal attachments creates a stressful period of disruption followed by a postdisruption phase of coping with lost attachments and creating new ones.