The aim of this project is to pilot-test a methodology and tools to popularise European policies that affect all European citizens, providing an opportunity to young and old to participate in it, understand the challenges such policies poses to the citizens and their environment and provide solutions to increase their impact and benefits.
The European Landscape Convention (ELC) is taken as an example, both because of its scope (that makes it particularly important) and because it can be visualised in a direct way.
A learning methodology, learning tools, a competition in six countries and conferences and a learning package are planned, aiming to summon support amongst the wider public for the implementation of the ELC; and enable both citizens and decision makers to engage in dialogue on important policy considerations. Accordingly, the work plan aims to introduce effective procedures within the partnership for planning, managing, coordinating and monitoring the project activities, at consortium and partner levels.
- Website : http://
- Project start : 2013
- Project end : 2015
- Contact Person : Simon Bell
- Funding Agency : EU - Lifelong Learning Programme
- Project Partners : Estonian University fo Life Sciences, PRISMA, James Hutton Institute, Stichting Pan-parks, ECLAS, European Academy for Sustainable Rural Development, 6th Gymnasium of Petroupolis, Notranjski Ekolo?ki Center, Universitat de València Estudi General
- Project structure : Seven work packages relating to each theme