Ecology, community and delight

Thompson, I.H., 1999, Ecology, community and delight, E & FN Spon, London

  • Author : Thompson, I.H.
  • Year : 1999
  • Publisher : E & FN Spon
  • Publisher's Location : London
  • ISBN : 0419236104
  • Pages : 0
  • Abstract : Landscape architecture is a profession with a chronic identity crisis. Is it primarily concerned with making beautiful places, helping people, or saving the planet from ecological catastrophe? This book examines the three principal value systems which influence landscape architectural practice - the aesthetic, the social and the environmental - and seeks to discover the role that the profession should be playing now and for the future. The book integrates an investigation of historical sources with contemporary research into the beliefs and values of practitioners. It is structured in three main sections, dealing respectively with aesthetics (delight), ecology and sustainability, and social values. The aesthetics section is sub-divided into chapters examining natural aesthetics and chapters, which look at the values implicit in designed landscapes. Each chapter, which traces the development of a theme, is followed by a corresponding chapter based upon interviews, which demonstrates the ways such ideas are reflected in practice.
  • Comments : KEYWORDS: landscape architecture, landscape design, assessment, philosophy, aesthetic value, environment, social value.