ECOLUP – Ecological Landuse Planning

Objectives of Project: Long-term goal of ECOLUP:
The goal is to establish preparatory and legally binding sustainable land use planning through the development and introduction of an Environmental Management System (Eco-Audit) in urban land-use planning at a local level.

ECOLUP aims for more transparent planning stages in land use planning and for better information of the public. Planning strolls, discussions, exhibitions or information on the internet are supposed to inform and motivate citizens, to engage in the urban development of their home city.

All the results of the model project ECOLUP have to be applicable to other communities and contribute to encouraging a sustainable dealing with the resource “space” in Europe.

For all land planning of the community the so-called “bodies responsible for public interests” are heard: These consist of various local and regional departments, business sponsorships, the chamber of industry, agricultural union, private conservation organisations and other communities of interest. Also, citizens can express their opinion – within the scope of the “early citizen participation” and the following “pubic exhibition of the planning draft”. Most of the time citizens only express their opinion, when they are affected directly by the planning.

By means of the land use plan and the following land use plan, the course is set for the sight of the city or community and for it’s sustained development, especially concerning the dealing of space.

ECOLUP does not only address experts but also wants to inform citizens in a more transparent manner and wants to find ways for a better integration.

Project Timetable: 2002-2004


  • Project start : 0000
  • Project end : 0000