Economic benefits of accessible green space

CJCconsulting, K. Wilis & L. Osman, 2005, Economic benefits of accessible green space, Forestry commission

  • Author : CJCconsulting, K. Wilis & L. Osman
  • Year : 2005
  • Pages : 54
  • Publisher : Forestry commission
  • Outline in English : Outline from executive summary: The overall aim of the study was to investigate the economic benefits, in terms of physical and mental health, of changes in the provision of accessible greenspace The’specific objectives were to: a) Identify the ways in which accessible greenspace may contribute to improvement of physical and mental health; b) Critically review existing relevant research and evidence that is relevant to this area; c)Examine the extent to which associated benefits and costs may be quantified and valued; d) Identify, and provide recommendations on, methodologies for economic valuation of the benefits, in terms of physical and mental health, of accessible greenspace, and the associated costs; e) Identify possible interventions aimed at increasing the economic value of these benefits; f) Set out options for subsequent research. CONTEXT:There is a growing concern in government with the health status of the population and its increasing sedentary lifestyle. 23% of males and 26% of females in the UK are classified as sedentary. The cost of physical inactivity in England is estimated at £8.2bn per year with an additional £2.5bn as the contribution of inactivity to obesity. The Public Health White Paper (Department of Health, 2004a) has, as three of its six overarching priorities, ‘reducing obesity’, ‘increasing exercise’ and ‘improving mental health’. Greenspace can contribute to the delivery of these objectives. HEALTH OUTCOMES FROM ACCESS TO GREENSPACE: Greenspace is a major resource for physical activity, especially walking, running and cycling. Regular physical activity is highly efficacious as a preventer of illness and as a therapeutic intervention for existing illness. Physical activity is beneficial (preventative and therapeutic) for cardiovascular disease, musculo-skeletal diseases, stroke and cancer. Access to and use of greenspace has benefits for psychological health but these are more difficult to quantify with the evidence available. Physical activity and recreation are complementary, in that recreation usually involves some physical activity. It is therefore important that double counting is avoided when appraising the health benefits of greenspace. KEYWORDS: Urban forestry, physical health, mental health, economy.
  • Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: Urban forestry, physical health, mental health, economy.$FILE/FChealth10-2final.pdf