Tjallingii, S.P., 1995, Ecopolis, Backhuys, Leiden
- Author : Tjallingii, S.P.
- Year : 1995
- Publisher : Backhuys
- Publisher's Location : Leiden
- ISBN : 90-73348-34-X
- Pages : 159
- Abstract : The book is dealing with the co-operation of three cities with three institutes in order to find answers at the international, national and local levels to the problems of the environment and urban development. The aim of this project is to form a planning strategy, to indicate steps, which can be taken at the local level, and to draw up priorities for research, design and policy. The study has been set up in three sections: strategy, case studies, and priorities.
- Comments : KEYWORDS: Human ecology, landscape, perception, environmental psychology, social behaviour, social environment. UTILITY: lecturers/teachers, academic research, students of universities of professional education