Elements of planting design

Austin, R.L., 2002, Elements of planting design, John Wiley, New York

  • Author : Austin, R.L.
  • Year : 2002
  • Publisher : John Wiley
  • Publisher's Location : New York
  • ISBN : 0471398888
  • Pages : 192
  • Abstract : . FROM THE BOOK: Complete coverage of the art and science of planting design. This comprehensive guide provides clear, step-by-step instructions for creating a planting composition, from preplanning and developing a preliminary design to implementing the final plan. It enables designers to strike a balance between technical issues–such as regional vegetation requirements, soil grade, and climate, noise, and erosion control–and aesthetic considerations, including colour, form, and seasonal variation. Generously illustrated with more than 300 line drawings and photographs that reinforce and clarify the material in each chapter, Elements of Planting Design: Offers a full overview of the ecology of planting design; Provides in-depth information on plants as design elements; Covers planting design for large- and small-scale residential and commercial sites; Includes challenging study questions and sample projects
  • Comments : KEYWORDS: landscape architecture, planting design, gardens, plantings.