Robert Holden, 2009, Enseignement de architecture paysagisme, un tour d’horizon europeen., in: Arnard Laffage & Yan Nussaume, ‘De l’enseignement du paysage en architecture’, Editions de la Villette, Paris
- Author : Robert Holden
- Year : 2009
- English Title : Landscape Architecture Education, a European Overview
- Published in Book : De l’enseignement du paysage en architecture
- Pages : 100-107
- Abstract in English : So who are we? A growing profession. A legislation-led profession. The growth of landscape planning and conservation in Germany. Above all is the European Landscape Convention. So what is European landscape education? Bologna: the European space for higher education. EFLA recognition, the Common Education Platform. A personal afterword
- Outline in English : Covers the origins and development of landscape architecture as a professional discipline and the consequential development of landscape architecture educations from the 1860s and Calvert Vaux and Frederick Law Olmsted and the subsequent founding of landscape architecture schools first in the USA at the turn of the twentieth century and then the post Great War development of landscape architecture education in Europe and then post Second World War world-wide.